About Us
is a specialist in energy efficient solutions, helping businesses and
individuals achieve energy and cost savings quickly and easily.
We have a track record for innovation in the field of energy efficient products and services and a reputation for excellent service from our knowledgeable, passionate staff.
We're committed to providing practical products and solutions that are simply installed, resulting in immediate green house gas and power expense reductions.
Contact Ecopoint
Let Ecopoint help you achieve your profit and environmental goals today. Ask for ecoLED at your local electrical wholesaler or contact Ecopoint:
Phone: 087 743 4468
Email: info@ecopoint.ie
Let Ecopoint help you achieve your profit and environmental goals today. Ask for ecoLED at your local electrical wholesaler or contact Ecopoint:
Phone: 087 743 4468
Email: info@ecopoint.ie